Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Monday, October 16, 2006

Final Post?

Now that Claire is home and her surgery behind her, we (hopefully) won't need to update her blog anymore! While we still want to have a place to keep everyone updated, so with apologies to my sister for following in the footsteps of www.jewettfamilynews.blogspot.com, we give you www.dwyerfamilynews.blogspot.com

Thank you to everyone for the love, support and help you have shown us over the past four-plus months.


Matt, Jessica, Madelyn, Grace & Claire

Claire is doing well

Claire is doiong everything that's asked of her right now (eating, sleeping & pooping). The doctor hasn't exactly told us what she needs to do to come home, but we don't think it should be any later than tomorrow (Tuesday), but we'll wait and see what he says. We're very much looking forward to getting Claire home and all of this behind us and settling into a regular routine. We'll let everyone know when she is home.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Surgery successful

Friday morning surgery was a success! Claire will be in the hospital about 5 days. Jessica is staying right there. Matt, Madelyn, and Gracie are going to the circus in Portland today before joining Jessica at the hospital. They all will be staying in Portland tonight; Matt thinks the girls are more excited about staying at the hotel than about the circus!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

36 hours until surgery

Claire weighed in at an even 9 pounds for the nurse today...getting ready for surgery, scheduled for 9:30am on Friday. Doctor says that the procdure should last less than an hour and she should be in the hospital 3-5 days. We will try to update the blog Friday afternoon and keep you posted. Meanwhile here's a picture of pre-surgery Claire (with her stoma & belly).

Monday, October 02, 2006

Surgery scheduled

Claire's surgery (to re-attach and insert her stoma) has been scheduled for Friday, October 13th. Hopefully she will only be in the hospital 3 or 4 days.

Otherwise she is growing - over 8 pounds and starting to sleep a little more - sometimes! :-)